Let’s Kiss and Make Up

Looking at photos from my childhood, you’d never guess that it would be in my spirit to begin earnestly blogging about make up and beauty products.  I was a tom-boy through and through, more interested in baseball and being comfortable than doing my hair or applying lip gloss.  I had long, untamed hair until I was twelve and because it was so long, I didn’t do much with it besides a bow (which, by the way, was always sports themed) and a pony tail.  I didn’t care about what clothes my mother picked out for back to school and I remember proudly wearing a basketball jersey for the first day of fifth grade.

I wasn’t the girl who begged her parents to wear make up to school, either. When my mother suggested that if I wanted to, I could wear lipstick..well, I did for a few days but decided I valued sleep more than waking up to put it on.  True, there are bad make up photos of me from the middle school years, but that’s mostly because I hated putting it on and only did so when I felt like I had to.

High school, college, nothing changed.  Until I found Sephora…

Sephora came to our mall sometime around 2007 and it replaced one of my favorite clothing stores.  To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement, but I went in against my better judgement.

Heaven.  The sights, the smells, the bright lights that show your skin it all it’s perfect imperfection.  Seriously, why don’t they bottle the scent of a Sephora store? All this make up, all these samples, and people willing to show me how to take the time to put it on correctly?  Get the hell out of here.  No, seriously, get me out of here because I spent an entire paycheck in there.  I was 23 when I had my first Sephorgasm.

The first make up I ever tried, as a teen, was Jane brand.  I graduated from Jane to Maybelline and moved on to Bare Minerals.  But once I found Sephora, Ulta, and their high-end make up options, I’m traveling all over the brand spectrum.  My current favorite obsession is Benefit.  I’ve got a bag full of everything, though, from Urban Decay to the 99 cent Wet and Wild items in the sales bin and Walgreens.  I hit up Sally Beauty Supply, I’ll browse the Dollar Store options, I don’t care.  I’m an addict and I will do whatever it takes to get that fix.


The only problem I really face is that I wouldn’t just call myself an amateur.  I’m a noob.  A beginner.  A very, very basic girl who has only been wearing and applying make up for the past seven years or so.  I buy products and have to Google their proper use.  It takes me a long time to master concepts.  There are a lot of pinterest pins, a lot of YouTube tutorials, and a lot of trial and error in my life.  I like to think that I have expert taste with amateur ability.  And I’d like to think I can show you how the regular people do it. After many, many attempts at it myself.


So, my goals here are to tell you what I find, show you how I use it, and get tips from you, too,  dear reader.  I also endeavor to find the best products at the best prices.  I am a baller on a budget, and I don’t mind to find “dupe” products that don’t sacrifice the look for the price.  I hope you’ll read and watch.


So..let’s kiss.  And make up.